Qualifying Match #1: Andover vs. Sharon
Saturday, January 25, 2025
08:15 AM - 09:45 AM
GBH Studios
1 Guest St, Boston, MA, USA
Qualifying Match #1: Andover vs. Sharon
GBH2/PBS Passport/YouTube Premiere Date: February 15, 2025
Please Arrive at 8:15am.
Studio Doors Close at 8:45am.
Come join our studio audience!
Whether you are a fan of a student or school participating in GBH’s High School Quiz Show® this season, a HSQS Super Fan, or general trivia fan, the bracket is set for our 16th Season, and we want to mark the occasion with you!
Please note:
- This event is free to the public.
- Seating is limited, please RSVP as soon as possible.
- Audience members must be at least 7 years old; all minors (under 18) must be accompanied by an adult.
- Registration does not guarantee seating in the studio audience (overflow will be seated in an adjacent theater featuring a live feed of the taping). Audiences are seated according to production needs.
- Please inform us in advance of any special accommodations by reaching out to Audience Member Services during regular business hours M-F, 9am-5pm at 617-300-3300 or via email: info@wgbh.org.
- Weather Notice: In the event of inclement weather, some taping dates may be subject to change. All registrants will be contacted via email in the case of any changes or cancellations.
Major funding for High School Quiz Show is provided by Safety Insurance. Additional funding is provided by the Museum of Science, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Xfinity, UMass Amherst, and Subaru of New England.
High School Quiz Show is endorsed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education and the Massachusetts PTA.
GBH COVID Policy: Please review GBH's Event COVID-19 Safety information here.
Use of Images: Audience members are participating in a media production. As such, the appearance of audience members will be broadcast on television and distributed in all manner and media. Therefore, all audience members who attend the taping automatically give their consent to allow their images to be used.
Dress: The attire for the taping is casual. Clothing featuring school names and logos, or town names and logos is encouraged. However, as a public television station, we need to be sensitive to anything that could be considered advertising, therefore clothing with prominent commercial logos or slogans will not be permitted in the studio. Please do not wear clothing with large text or logos that are not related to a high school.
School Spirit: Fans are encouraged to exhibit school and community pride with banners, signs, face paint and by wearing school colors.
Confidentiality: High School Quiz Show programs are taped in advance of their broadcast. It is in the best interest of the program to keep the results private until they are broadcast. By entering GBH you agree to the confidentiality agreement posted at the entrance of these spaces.
Cell Phones: Cell phones can interfere with studio microphone audio frequencies. You will be asked to turn your phone off during the taping. If you are unable to do so, you will not be permitted in the studio.
Photographs: No photograph or recording devices are allowed during the taping. At the discretion of GBH, use of these devices may be permissible prior to the taping.
Cancellation: Demand for seats is high, and we want to include as many people as possible. We also need a full studio audience for a successful production. We ask that you make every effort to attend the taping you signed up for. If circumstances arise and you must cancel, please email us immediately at highschoolquizshow@wgbh.org.
Conduct: To promote a fair competition, shouting out or signaling answers to team members by audience members, whether intentionally or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. GBH reserves the right to warn and/or remove any member(s) of the audience suspected of committing misconduct, including disruptions, or other behavior that may give a team an unfair advantage. In addition, to encourage a positive atmosphere and foster good sportsmanship, audience members are asked to not engage in conduct that may incite players or audience members, nor publicly criticize other teams, players, coaches, or High School Quiz Show staff during the competitions and tapings.
Directions and Parking: GBH offers free parking for visitors and events. Get directions and parking information.
Select a ticket and proceed to registration details